Ride on Roller - 66 inch

Compaction and Paving Equipment, Ride On Rollers

66" Ride On Roller w/ padfoot or smooth (adjustable)


Operating Weight: 16,711 lbs
Dimensions (L x W x H): 14.5 ft x 6.01 ft x 9.6 ft
Drum Width: 66.1 in
Drum Diameter: 47.4
Curb clearance - left: 3.1 in
Curb clearance - right: 2.7 in
Turning radius: 10.9 ft
Travel speed: 6 km/h
Gradeability w/ vibration 55%
Gradeability w/o vibration 60%
Traction drive: hydrostatic with wheel motors
Engine / motor type: 4-cylinder V3307-CR-T
Fuel Type: Diesel
Fuel Capacity: 121 L

Please note: Changing pad/roller type takes a minimum of 4 hours.

Wacker Website:


How It Looks Video:


